professional development workshops

Interactive workshops responsively designed to meet your firm’s crucial needs and specific culture. Representative workshops are described below. If you have a topic that’s not covered, please reach out so we can collaborate and innovate together! Workshops are delivered in-person or via videoconference.

  • Effective and Empathetic Feedback

    In this workshop, participants will learn about the power of effective and empathetic feedback. We'll explore the importance of feedback as a crucial professional skill in the law firm environment and what holds us back from giving it to our fellow attorneys more regularly. Then we will learn the essentials of effective feedback from positioning to structure and content. Participants will learn how to lean into the power of emotional intelligence to increase the effectiveness of feedback. Before closing the session, we will co-create specific, individualized calls to action designed to integrate these feedback skills and tools into the routines and habits of busy attorneys.

  • Enneagram Workshops for Leaders and Teams

    The Enneagram is a personality assessment that describes nine distinct personality types, each with its own set of characteristics, motivations, and behaviors. It is also a transformative tool for developing self-awareness and understanding individual and team dynamics.

    In these workshops (customizable for individuals or teams), participants will gain deep insights into their core motivations, strengths, and growth areas. Through interactive discussions and practical exercises, participants will learn to recognize and utilize their key strengths, understand and manage their blind spots and areas for improvement, enhance their communication and relationship-building skills and foster a more empathetic and productive team environment. For teams, whether you're seeking to enhance productivity, resolve conflicts, or improve team dynamics, this program will empower your team and its members to perform to their full potential.

  • discover your superpowers: from impostor to unstoppable

    In recent years, learning about the concept of Impostor Syndrome has helped many high-achieving professionals understand why they feel uncertain about their worth despite their successes. But what can you do about it? In this workshop, we will learn how to develop your presence and truly claim your power. We will work with self-awareness, self-regulation, confidence and emotional intelligence to serve as the foundation for your professional presence. Finally, we will identify a number of regular practices to create a personal mindset shift and a supportive culture on our teams.


    Being a lawyer can be tough! Billable hours, demanding clients, finding time and energy for anything outside of work… How do you thrive and find meaning and purpose in this environment? In this workshop, you will learn simple tools to develop resilience, self-management skills and a sense of calm. With these foundational skills in place, you will embody and project your professional presence. Then we will connect with your unique purpose through identifying your goals, values and strengths. Finally, we will co-create foundational daily practices and habits to shift you into a positive, proactive and sustainable state so that you can thrive!

  • Crafting a Vision Statement: Your Compass for Setting Goals & Navigating Career Choices

    Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the workforce, setting goals and navigating your career choices requires a clear vision. In this interactive workshop, we will work together to reflect upon your values, strengths, interests, goals and desired impact. We will distill these components to hone your unique purpose while maintaining alignment with your authentic self. Based on this reflection and distillation, each participant will craft a personalized career vision statement. A career vision statement expresses your career values and goals in a positive, actionable paragraph. It helps keep you focused as you set about achieving your goals and navigating your career. With your career vision statement as your compass, we will co-create an action plan to set specific goals and move towards the realization of your unique vision.

  • Transitions: A workshop series for every season of your career

    In this workshop series, attorneys are equipped with the tools they need at each stage of their career from law student to summer associate, navigating the challenges of the first year, to stepping into the pressures of being a midlevel to setting sights on partnership or beyond as a senior associate to finally looking behind the curtain as a new partner. This highly customizable workshop series reflects the specific challenges and opportunities of each stage while also working with the universal principle that change is hard (but it doesn’t have to be)!