executive coaching services

  • Lawyers

    With 20 years in the legal field as corporate lawyer and professional development leader, I will help you navigate your career path by identifying your goals and values. Then we will align your to-do list and daily habits to be successful and be yourself.

    Areas of focus may include:

    • Defining and promoting your professional identity

    • Building & leveraging your network

    • Identifying inspiring career goals

    • Developing and honing your leadership skills

    • Career transitions including path to partnership, preparation for and return from leave and lateral moves

    • Work-life wellbeing

    • Giving and receiving effective feedback

    • Managing up and down

    • Polishing your professional skills including time management, communication and delegation

  • professionals

    What’s keeping you from being happier and more fulfilled in your career? We will work together to get at what’s getting you down and find solutions to manifest and maintain lasting change for a more sustainable, fulfilling and rewarding professional life.

    Areas of focus may include:

    • Defining and promoting your presence, i.e. working with self-awareness, self-regulation confidence and emotional intelligence

    • Working from this presence to promote your authentic professional identity to build and leverage your networks

    • Discovering your life purpose and aligning your career goals with it

    • Leading from your strengths and values

    • Career transitions including searching for a new role, sabbatical planning and preparation for and return from leave at your current position

    • Polishing your professional skills: feedback, time management, communication and delegation

  • teams

    Team coaching engagements are a blend individual and group sessions to drive lasting impact. Teams may chose to incorporate the Enneagram assessment as part of the engagement — Enneagram is a powerful tool that deepens self-awareness, reveals personality dynamics, and enhances team collaboration. A typical engagement spans a six-month period.

    Through individual interviews and close collaboration with team leaders, we'll identify key focus areas tailored to your team's needs. Each group session will address specific challenges the team is currently facing. Together, we'll uncover hidden strengths and bring to light any obstacles hindering progress.

    The ultimate goals of our coaching are to foster greater collaboration, improve communication, and enhance the overall success of your team within the organization.