Remember the “3 C’s” during performance review season

For many of you, it's end of year review season. To make the most of it, remember the three C's: Curiosity, Courage and Compassion.

🐈* Curiosity: If you are receiving feedback that feels off-base, instead of going into fight or flight mode, get curious. Ask questions and engage in dialogue until you and the feedback giver on the same page. If you are giving difficult feedback and are getting a blank stare in return, start asking questions to seek a deeper understanding of what's driving the behavior.

🦁 Courage: Summon the courage to engage in a difficult conversation and stay curious. Studies show that discomfort with giving feedback across difference results in employees who are underrepresented receiving less feedback. If you are struggling with delivering feedback across difference, reach out to your HR, PD or DEIB teams for support.

🐘** Compassion: Compassion is more than empathy or kindness. From the Latin, compati, it means "to suffer together". When leading with compassion, you recognize the challenges your colleagues are facing and then take action to help. Go into feedback conversations with a positive intention -- you are there to share feedback so your colleagues can grow. Then back it up with continued support throughout the year. This doesn't need to be a heavy lift and it's not totally altruistic either. Developing your colleagues will benefit you as a manager and the organization as a whole. For the feedback receivers, know that the feedback givers may not be skilled in this area. Be compassionate and help them out by staying strong in your curiosity and courage.

*Did you know that the back half of the adage "curiosity killed the cat" is "satisfaction brought it back"? So, get curious! 😼

** Another fun fact, apparently elephants are the most compassionate animal. 🐘 💜🐘


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